Monday, September 3, 2007

Magic School Bus

I have to wear skirts the whole time I am in Africa because that is what is culturally acceptable. Well for those who know me...this is no problem because being a girly-girl, I love wearing skirts. I decided to sew most of the skirts to: 1) save money 2) be able to donate them to the village girls when I leave. While I was at the fabric store to get material...I decided I would only use crazy fabulous material. I figured the children would love it (real reason: katy would love it). So I have begun with materials covered in planets, bugs, bright colors, big poka dots, and butterflies. My sister informs me that with my red hair, crazy outfits, and as a teacher - I have officially become the teacher from the Magic School Bus books, Ms. Frizzle.
I would argue this point but she is always right. = )


Alyss said... are going to have to sew me some skirts so that i can visit :)

Caitlin said...

HAHAHA this is the best thing i've ever heard!