Thursday, September 27, 2007

Elizabeth, the name we share

I remember her sleeping on the buck below me in Alaska.
I remember her telling me once she layed down she put on head phones and wouldn't be able to talk to me, so if I needed to say something - say it.
I remember her huge ALL purple room.
I remember watching Sleepless in Seattle and You've got mail all in the same night.
I remember the train tracks behind her house and putting pennies on it.
I remember driving in the special school bus with her on her job.
I remember driving with my dad 12-14 hrs just to go see her.
I remember always getting a holiday card with a check in it from her, I still find those checks among my stuff...ones I never cashed from years ago.
I remember writing her many letters just to try and be close to her.
I remember visiting her all by myself and feeling so mature.
I remember once signing my name Katherine and she crossed it out and said I was her special Katy and that's how I should remain.
I remember a friendship we once had.
And now, God, please remember and draw this beautiful, wonderful woman close to your heart. Open her heart to you. Heal her from her heart attack and let her find comfort. For she is my Gramma.

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