Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Story Book

I am not what I use to consider a touchy-feeling, lovey-dovey type of person. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is a place for those in the world too; as Dianne says, nothing is weird just different. But heaven forbid that I should be one. In most cultures, you are only supposed to share what is asked of you or what you absolutely must. But you don’t share your life story in the line at Walmart; and you don’t cry on the cashier’s counter top. When this occurs most people will tell you to start seeing a shrink, it’s true, I speak from live experience. God always has a sense of humor though. Once again, He decided it was time for a change in my outlook.

Here at CIT training, life story-telling is quite the event. You prepare by making a chart, playing paper-rock-scissors for who must go first, and then you began. They bring their lunches and sit in circles eagerly waiting to hear your history. This is where God got my attention, because I was vastly against sharing anything vulnerable. And as He humbled me to the ground, I realized how selfish I was. I was refusing to tell not my story but God’s story of my life. For I have done nothing and neither has anything ever occurred that God has not written in my life’s story book. He writes using a pencil with no eraser, for He makes no mistakes. He is the author and all the glory goes to Him.

I am not sure whether or not the culture of Uganda is prone to sharing or being vunerable personality wise. But I know that God has taught me to open my life to those around me; so that He might be glorified through it.

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