Monday, September 17, 2007

Wearing an Apron

So, tonight I was in charge of preparing a meal for eight people. When I learned that I was responsible for this task, imagine how panicked I was. I am not a cook, I don't pretend to be at all. And to top it all, it was supposed to be a meal from Uganda. Well, by a miracle, I found a recipe online. This is what we ate: white rice topped by a chicken curry dish made with spices and coconut. Then there were choices to put fresh pineapple, tomatoes, raisins, cranberrys, or coconut - on top of the rice and chicken curry. It turned out amazing with side dishes of fresh bread, salad, and chocolate chip cookies. I was so relieved.

The guests we had over was a couple from my training institution. They are both counselours. I have not met with her but I have met with Jim. What an amazing blessing it is to have strong Christians who can guide and counsel me as I struggle to stand by God's grace. At dinner, they shared the path that has led them here and their time over in France as missionaries. I pray that as I grow, I will have some of the confidence, strength, courage, happiness, and love that they show in every expression.

I have homework that I must get to tonight but I have a quick prayer request. I have been allowing myself to get distracted quite frequently in the past week by silly things, ie. boys. I know I just heard at least three of you *gasp*. I have been getting wrapped up in the "he-likes me, he doesn't like me" game and I really am embarrassed to admit it. I have not been finishing simple things that I need to get done. Please pray that I will re-align my priorities.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I just want all of you to know that when Katy says that she can't cook, she is lying:) Our meal was spectacular, and exactly how I remember it in West Africa.