Sunday, September 30, 2007

Answered Prayers

Well thanks for all your prayers for my gramma. She had surgery and a shunt was put in. Last I heard she was headed home - weak but doing much better.

Another praise is for a family friend who found out this past spring that he had a rare form of cancer. I struggled to understand how God could give such an amazing man - cancer. He has a young and beautiful family. It was said that only 2% respond to the treatment and have a chance of survival. I have constantly had this family in my prayers. And even through out these struggles, he reached out and asked how he could support my mission trip. I was blown away by his Christ-like spirit. Well, last night I learned of the miracle that God performed...he had a cat scan and the cancer was gone. PRAISE THE LORD! Please keep him in your prayers, his name is Bill.

I have been praying for Victor who is on a mission trip. I got a call from him today on his way to Romania! I was so excited to hear his voice. For all those that know him, he said he is safe and happy. He sends his love.

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