Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Battling with God

I am really struggling with the Lord right now. I know without a doubt that He wants me to serve Him in Uganda but I don't what to be a missionary who says all the right words and seems so close in her walk with God and yet it is all just a show. I want to be filled with His presence and words and truly serve Him.

I feel like God has/is stripping the things and people I love from my life so I have nothing to turn to but Him and I am still fighting Him on it. It is almost as if I resent Him for taking the people and things I love out of my life and making me focus just on Him. How silly, stupid, and completely awful of me. With all the change and everything new in my life, I get so lonely sometimes...and God has been teaching me to open my heart to Him and the new people He has brought into my life. I don't know how to open up to all these strangers. I love there passion and drive and yet I feel like I can't be myself. Please pray that God would teach me to be open hearted.

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