Friday, September 7, 2007

The Wild vs. Me

I was writing this to Shelly this morning and thought I would share with you all also.

I am sitting near my window and the sun is just peaking through...tempting me to go outside for my morning devotions. I am resisting the urge because the gigantic killer mosquitoes and I are at war up here. So far, they have managed to land eight different blows on my legs. If I suddenly loose all contact with you...know that I fought a good fight but the mosquitoes won the war.

We have no TV or many other American pleasures (thought internet is a must have). I go to class all day, dinner, HW, and then I go for a run down the trails. I love to run in the heat and all...but man oh man, my legs are not used to all the hills here! I conquer one hill just to be faced with the next one. I had to carry a large stone rock as my weapon yesterday because there were two enormous pit-bull dogs. Yes, they were chained up but the chains looked ready to snap. I tried to tell myself that 1) I could out run them or 2) I could take them on with my bare hands and awesome material arts skills....but then reality hit and I picked up a large stone. = )

We are having a potluck dinner tomorrow night. I signed up to bring the plates and cups. As most of you know, I am not the best cook.

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