Thursday, September 13, 2007

Friendships begin to Blur

I have come to realize that from moving around so often as I grew up - I have developed a survival method. This is called "When the Friendships begin to Blur". As I get ready to move, I often draw away from my loved ones, some times getting grouchy with them to ease it; and I search for new people to replace them so I feel nothing when I leave them completely. I have observed that if I can walk away before they have a chance to walk away from me...I feel as if I have prevented greater pain. The worry about being replaced or not missed, consumes my mind. So, I search for new people to fill the void. I noticed today as I laughed with the people here at training, I was begining the process. I found someone new that I look up to for advice, I found a new dorm mate to share my spontaneous ideas with, I found new kids that I think are so adorable, I found someone to work out with, and I found a new home to call my home. The minute I realized what I had done...I panicked. I don't want to walk away or forget my friends and loved ones. But it has happened so many times in the past and I have allowed it. I pray the Lord will keep my heart open to those I love so dearly. Help me to trust.

"And friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them. And a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end. Though its hard to let you go, in the Father's hands we know, that a lifetimes not too long to live as friends." Michael W. Smith


Jenn said...

I don't mind blurring. That can be corrected, just don't delete me!!

ND said...

God bless you with your work in Africa

Anonymous said...

It's OK to get new friends its how we grow and learn, but it is the old friends that create a past and memories that allow us to feel confident and secure about developing new relationships. Go forward Katy, but know that there are some in your past who still love and support your present!!