Thursday, October 18, 2007

Support Update

On Sunday, Jess and I went to the Mariner's Church. I had asked them for support and wanted to visit while I could. Jess put up with me arriving late and getting lost many times on the way. = ) The service was such a blessing. I hope to attend more when I get back to the academy. The mission committee met last night to discuss whether they will support me or not. I am supposed to receive a call today and will fill you in with the news. Please keep praying.

I left on my road trip expecting nothing and was blown away time and again by the support given to me. God is amazing - He chooses to use the most unexpected people. Thank you all those who gave their love and support. Support Raising:
Raised - $8500
Still Need - $1000
I am about 90% there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BIG trip.
BIG God.
LOVE you.


Very happy about all your good goodbyes and openness to all the love God has for you to give and receive. My prayers for you are being answered!!