Saturday, October 13, 2007

Road Trip, Day 2 - Dinner Party

I arrived Saturday afternoon with strict instructions to drive to a friend's house for a get together. My darlin Kathryn was in charge. She had planned a dinner get together of friend's who wanted to say hi. When I arrived and saw so many people, I felt so loved. I always had a tiny worry that I would be forgotten. And here were tons of people showing up to show me their love and support. We spent the evening talking, laughing, and eating good food. Some are missing from the picture but I tried to get tons of pictures to remember the night. They gave me cards full of fabulous advice and lots of support.

These girls right here worked so hard in the kitchen the whole night. Kathryn was the head chef and the other three willingly offered to slave away beside her. Every dish was homemade: chicken pasta, salad, biscati, apple cider, carmel dipped apples, apple pie, cheese cake, reg cake, and so many other treats. And Kathryn even had hot dogs for me cause she knows it is my favorite. She is just too good to me.

This is a picture of Kathryn and I. We were roommates last year. I wish I had treasured it twice as much when we were together cause I miss her so much. She has continually sacrificed and supported me along this journey. She was the first friend I told that I might be leaving for Africa. She said she believed in me and I could do anything and know I had her full support. Man, it broke my heart to say goodbye. I know that she will have Carmen (her new roomie) to love her while I am gone but I will still think of her often. God definitely gave me Kathryn to help with everything I might go through. She has already given me a months worth of cards to take with me to africa and open there. Cards for days such as: rainy days, lonely days, doubting days, happy days, and such. I will miss her every day I am gone. Kat, I love you.

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