Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Road Trip, Days 3-6 - Family

I spent the next three days with Shelly, the girls, and Chaps. It was so much fun to relax for a few days and not stress about anything. The girls and I got time to play and goof off together. Chaps and I had a brief time to talk which I love to do. And Shelly and I got to talk, do hair, cook, and play multiple games of cards. I will admit that this visit she did beat me pretty bad. But the challenge is still on. They offered me support, prayers, and their love. It was hard to say goodbye but I know I will see them again as soon as I get back.

I spent the last day of my journey with my brother and his family. We spent time in God's word, praying, and discussing issues. It was a blessing because though some of it was hard to have someone be so honest with me - shows their love and respect for me. And I couldn't want more. Thank you to those who prayed for me while I was there. I definitely feel like God is using my brother to help me through some struggles I have. Please continue to pray.

The next morning, I drove 11 hrs home. I had to stop at least 3 x's to take short naps because I was drifting as I drove. It was a really hard drive home but I made it in one piece.

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