Saturday, October 6, 2007

Support Update

God is so good. I flew all day yesterday and got home at midnight. Waiting on my desk were letters full of love and support. Thank you my dear friends and family! Here is a schedule of what my next weeks will look like and also an update on how support raising is going.

Support Raising:
Raised - $6320
Still Need - $3180

I am about 67% there. I am really praying that God will provide a home church who would be willing to support me both financially and with prayers. I attended the Naval Academy chapel the last two years which was a blessing but as a result I don't have a home church body. I have approached two different churches and am praying that God will open the hearts of one.

Schedule for the rest of October:
Oct. 6-11
~ I will be home finishing paper work, getting immunization shots, medical reviews, packing up, support raising.
Oct. 11-13 ~ I will be in NYC and Conneticut visiting dear friends who I haven't seen in two 1/2 years, support raising.
Oct. 13-16 ~ I will be in Annapolis visiting my sponsor family and Academy friends, support raising, and also speaking at a church.
Oct. 16-18 ~ I will be in DC and VA beach visiting my family and cutest nephew in the world, and support raising.
Oct. 19-20 ~ *still unsure* I will be in Kentucky visiting my support coach from the mission organization and raising support in the military community there.
Oct. 20-26 ~ I will be in Asheville, NC at my last training session (Sonship).


Anonymous said...

If I had known you were going to PUBLISH the schedule, I might not have required that you recite it to me = )! All the same, it is good to know I can find it in two places. yay! for the support and yay! for supportive and loving letters!

Glad your flight went well -- Grayson asked yesterday if you had gotten home yet. I told him most definitely. They don't know much about flights now, but they will some day!

Hugs and love,t.

Jenn said...

Missing you:( I'm glad you made it home. It's great that you are receiving so much support from people. I'll pray that it continues.

Luke said...

Katy, it's great to hear that your support raising is going so well. Take care.