Friday, October 12, 2007

One Foot Out the Door

Well, I am in the midst of packing up the car and rushing out the door. But after such a rough day yesterday, I wanted to leave on a good note. Thank you to those who quickly wrote or called to offer words of encouragement and advise. My friend Tara said it the best so I am going to quote her: "We do get homesick. For familiar things and faces. For easier times that we can comprehend. Sometimes, we get “home” and find it isn’t the comfort we thought. It was the idea of comfort we longed for. The truest comfort, the best feeling of home can be found in the presence of God. If we can be steadied by the Lord, we may see Him and find our home. And one day, all who are in Christ will be home, in the best, truest way."

Everything is coming together, though I still would love your prayers. I am headed out the door to visit all my amazing friends and family, and of course, support raise. I will be back next Wednesday and fill everyone in on how it went.

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