Monday, October 22, 2007

What would happen if we stopped?

I have been at training for two days. And as I chattered on (as I am known to do) I was asked by a lady - "what would happen if you just stopped?". Stopped trying to accomplish a miracle, stopped trying to be a hero, stopped trying to be all that I can be. I looked at her in shock...most people say nice words of encouragement and admiration for all that I manage to fit in. My first thought was - well things would just not get done or fall apart. Wow, was I overcome with pride. The world would keep on turning and most would not even experience a speed bump if I stopped. How small we are in the big picture of life and yet how often we feel like the world revolves around us. I want to stop rushing against time; and begin living according to God's schedule book and not my own.

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