Friday, October 12, 2007

Road Trip, Day 1 - Coast Guard

I don't even know where to begin. I started my road trip last Friday. I drove to the Coast Guard academy in CT to visit my dearest friend, VD. I hadn't seen her in two years but we definitely didn't have to catch up because we talk almost everyday. When I parked and saw, it felt so good to hug her and be with her again. I missed her so much. She was my first roommate in college. She took me out to Olive Garden, downtown, and then a hotel. I would like it to be known that this time she moaned and groaned in her sleep and it wasn't me this time. She forever accused me of that when we were roomies. It was so sad to have to say goodbye in the morning. She gave me a hug and offered me support for my trip. I was so overwhelmed by how much I love and miss her. Thank you, Vd.


Alyss said...
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Alyss said...

i love ya girl! i was soo glad that we finally got to see each other again...its amazing how strong our friendship is even without seeing each other are one of my best friends and will always be!