Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our Comfort Zone

Dan M. from World Harvest is one of a kind. I first met him early this summer at orientation. I shared with him where God has brought me from and where He is leading me. Dan helped guide me through orientation and looked out for me. I grew to respect him in such a short time. One of the first things you notice is his jokeful personality, he makes you laugh. But as the week went on, I realized that he has a hard time being personal (hugging, showing his emotion with others). And yet, his HUGE heart for the Lord just radiates from him. Today he pulled me aside, "Katy, this is really hard for me to say but your life's story about your journey with God made you one of my hero's this summer." I looked at him in shock and didn't know what to say.

I want to cry now as I realize that I couldn't bring myself to step outside my comfort zone and tell him what a Christ like example he has been to me and how much I respect him. I have such a hard time sharing my feelings with others. And here was someone who struggled with the same thing and yet was willing to step outside and share. My friends and family have told me that I have a hard time telling them of my love for them. I am so ashamed to think that I couldn't bring myself to sacrifice a little of my comfort to share how much they mean to me. (Tara this is for you too.)

Today this is my prayer. Lord, please open my heart to those I love so very much. Please allow me to radiant your love to those around me as I have seen Dan do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My precious friend,

I know the things in your heart that you can't yet say. Heart growth takes time and God is clearly expanding your boundaries and opening your heart to love and be loved. You will lay hold of these things more and more as you live in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Meanwhile, know that we all struggle to love well. . . to step out of our comfort zones. . . or to lay down pride or fear. I struggle! But grace says that guilt over my struggle isn't necessary. No condemnation parties! He will compel me to be who he desires in his timing, no sooner, no later.

We will love perfectly one day. I believe it.

With a big hug and a heart that understands . . . and with a tender love for you,