Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm Melting!

So you know how you have a huge stack of things to do and though it is a are not stressed and things are going well. Then *WHAMY* and just one little thing added to the stack -makes it all crumble. And then the stress just pours in. This is where I am at. Please pray that I will have patience and trust in God.

I leave tomorrow for Conneticut, Maryland, DC, and then Virginia. My little brother is letting me borrow the car for the trip which saved me a bundle of money. I am trying so hard to be frugil and save every penny. It has gotten to the point where I feel guilty for buying anything that is not an essential. I have not even packed for the trip. I don't feel emotionally or spiritually ready for this trip. I am visiting family and friends and hoping to mend some bridges and be open with some important people in my life.

I wrote to Grace Community church today asking for financial and prayer support. I met their pastor. He was amazing and shared a passion for the children of Uganda. Their mission coordinator said they don't normally support outsiders but he would bring it to the board and see what happens. It is so frustrating because most churches don't support outsiders but for me with no home church...that is all I am - an outsider. Please please please pray they will open their hearts to what God is having me do.

My mom told me last night that I am no longer her favorite because I am not a warm and fuzzy person. haha. I have never been told that I am not warm and fuzzy. I need to work on this. So I am trying to stop and enjoy the changes around and the beauty of nature. Here are some pics I took through out my day. Fall is definitely my favorite season.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wow, I'll pray that you are emotionally, spiritually, and logistically prepared for this trip and the one still to come. Beautiful pics, we don't have that much color yet in NC.