Sunday, September 30, 2007

Answered Prayers

Well thanks for all your prayers for my gramma. She had surgery and a shunt was put in. Last I heard she was headed home - weak but doing much better.

Another praise is for a family friend who found out this past spring that he had a rare form of cancer. I struggled to understand how God could give such an amazing man - cancer. He has a young and beautiful family. It was said that only 2% respond to the treatment and have a chance of survival. I have constantly had this family in my prayers. And even through out these struggles, he reached out and asked how he could support my mission trip. I was blown away by his Christ-like spirit. Well, last night I learned of the miracle that God performed...he had a cat scan and the cancer was gone. PRAISE THE LORD! Please keep him in your prayers, his name is Bill.

I have been praying for Victor who is on a mission trip. I got a call from him today on his way to Romania! I was so excited to hear his voice. For all those that know him, he said he is safe and happy. He sends his love.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Elizabeth, the name we share

I remember her sleeping on the buck below me in Alaska.
I remember her telling me once she layed down she put on head phones and wouldn't be able to talk to me, so if I needed to say something - say it.
I remember her huge ALL purple room.
I remember watching Sleepless in Seattle and You've got mail all in the same night.
I remember the train tracks behind her house and putting pennies on it.
I remember driving in the special school bus with her on her job.
I remember driving with my dad 12-14 hrs just to go see her.
I remember always getting a holiday card with a check in it from her, I still find those checks among my stuff...ones I never cashed from years ago.
I remember writing her many letters just to try and be close to her.
I remember visiting her all by myself and feeling so mature.
I remember once signing my name Katherine and she crossed it out and said I was her special Katy and that's how I should remain.
I remember a friendship we once had.
And now, God, please remember and draw this beautiful, wonderful woman close to your heart. Open her heart to you. Heal her from her heart attack and let her find comfort. For she is my Gramma.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Double Size

So, I begin my task of sewing this past weekend. I was so excited. My sister and mom sent me these wild materials. I decided to start with the cheetah print. I cut out all the pieces and was about 70% finished with the skirt when I realized......dun dun dun (doom sounding music) I didn't take sizing into account. I just cut at the outter most line, which is for the biggest size. So as I wrapped the skirt around me to get an idea of how it was turning out...I kept wrapping and wrapping around my middle. OOPS. Thankfully, I think I can fix it, but it took some of the wind out of my sewing sails.

Tonight a pastor at a local church came to speak with the Slate family and I. He, Josiah, use to work with World Harvest Mission and in Uganda. Imagine my delight at having someone here who knew people from my home base. He just got back last week from spending a couple weeks with my team mates in Fort Portal. I longed to suck him dry of information. He had so much to share about his experiences. It felt so amazing to talk with someone who shared a passion with me for the children of Uganda. He told with tears in his eyes, of constantly leaving food on his plate there so the hungry kids cleaning it up would be able to eat. It renewed my longing to be over there among the children.
*Picture taken from Tara's website!*

Friday, September 21, 2007

Down any Road at any Cost

Leaving the safe and familiar
With their hearts set on a heavenly prize
There were some who laid down their nets
And some who laid down their lives
Not sure where they were going
But they did not have to know
'Cause they knew who had called them
And they said, "We will go"

Down any road at any cost
Wherever You lead I will follow
Because I know that You've called me
To take up my cross
Down any road at any cost

It may be fear that I'm feeling
I see what I must sacrifice
But You promised You'll go with me
So I'll trust with my life

It's Your love that compels me
To do what You've called me to do
And be completely abandoned to You

Because I know that You've called me
To take up my cross
Down any road at any cost
-Point of Grace

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

My Story Book

I am not what I use to consider a touchy-feeling, lovey-dovey type of person. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is a place for those in the world too; as Dianne says, nothing is weird just different. But heaven forbid that I should be one. In most cultures, you are only supposed to share what is asked of you or what you absolutely must. But you don’t share your life story in the line at Walmart; and you don’t cry on the cashier’s counter top. When this occurs most people will tell you to start seeing a shrink, it’s true, I speak from live experience. God always has a sense of humor though. Once again, He decided it was time for a change in my outlook.

Here at CIT training, life story-telling is quite the event. You prepare by making a chart, playing paper-rock-scissors for who must go first, and then you began. They bring their lunches and sit in circles eagerly waiting to hear your history. This is where God got my attention, because I was vastly against sharing anything vulnerable. And as He humbled me to the ground, I realized how selfish I was. I was refusing to tell not my story but God’s story of my life. For I have done nothing and neither has anything ever occurred that God has not written in my life’s story book. He writes using a pencil with no eraser, for He makes no mistakes. He is the author and all the glory goes to Him.

I am not sure whether or not the culture of Uganda is prone to sharing or being vunerable personality wise. But I know that God has taught me to open my life to those around me; so that He might be glorified through it.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wearing an Apron

So, tonight I was in charge of preparing a meal for eight people. When I learned that I was responsible for this task, imagine how panicked I was. I am not a cook, I don't pretend to be at all. And to top it all, it was supposed to be a meal from Uganda. Well, by a miracle, I found a recipe online. This is what we ate: white rice topped by a chicken curry dish made with spices and coconut. Then there were choices to put fresh pineapple, tomatoes, raisins, cranberrys, or coconut - on top of the rice and chicken curry. It turned out amazing with side dishes of fresh bread, salad, and chocolate chip cookies. I was so relieved.

The guests we had over was a couple from my training institution. They are both counselours. I have not met with her but I have met with Jim. What an amazing blessing it is to have strong Christians who can guide and counsel me as I struggle to stand by God's grace. At dinner, they shared the path that has led them here and their time over in France as missionaries. I pray that as I grow, I will have some of the confidence, strength, courage, happiness, and love that they show in every expression.

I have homework that I must get to tonight but I have a quick prayer request. I have been allowing myself to get distracted quite frequently in the past week by silly things, ie. boys. I know I just heard at least three of you *gasp*. I have been getting wrapped up in the "he-likes me, he doesn't like me" game and I really am embarrassed to admit it. I have not been finishing simple things that I need to get done. Please pray that I will re-align my priorities.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Spiritual War

For the past two days our class focus has been on spiritual warfare. A week ago, I hardly knew anything in detail about this topic. I know that we are in God's army and a spiritual war is going around us at all times. But honestly, I don't think it was ever really a part of my life. I have never stopped and realized that I was not only in the United States military but more importantly - I am a soldier for God. I have always fought with my human flesh but Satan and his attacks have never been a part of my awareness. I learned a lot from today's study, didn't agree with it all but am determined to begin fighting more fervently by the power of Christ and with the protection of the Holy Spirit. I pray that God can use me in Africa to do some major damage in this spiritual war by sharing His love and protection to those in need.

Who needs martial arts skills when I have the armor of the Lord?? Ephesians 6:10-11, "Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Friendships begin to Blur

I have come to realize that from moving around so often as I grew up - I have developed a survival method. This is called "When the Friendships begin to Blur". As I get ready to move, I often draw away from my loved ones, some times getting grouchy with them to ease it; and I search for new people to replace them so I feel nothing when I leave them completely. I have observed that if I can walk away before they have a chance to walk away from me...I feel as if I have prevented greater pain. The worry about being replaced or not missed, consumes my mind. So, I search for new people to fill the void. I noticed today as I laughed with the people here at training, I was begining the process. I found someone new that I look up to for advice, I found a new dorm mate to share my spontaneous ideas with, I found new kids that I think are so adorable, I found someone to work out with, and I found a new home to call my home. The minute I realized what I had done...I panicked. I don't want to walk away or forget my friends and loved ones. But it has happened so many times in the past and I have allowed it. I pray the Lord will keep my heart open to those I love so dearly. Help me to trust.

"And friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them. And a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end. Though its hard to let you go, in the Father's hands we know, that a lifetimes not too long to live as friends." Michael W. Smith

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Butter Put to the Bike

Today we learned that there are 5 things that you should say to a loved one before leaving:
1) Goodbye
2) I love you
3) Thank you
4) Forgive me
5) I forgive you
Hearing this was a true test for me. I never thought that by surrending to serve the children over in Africa that I would also be called to resolve the personal grudges in my life. I know we shouldn't hold onto grudges and yet it seems so easy to do when you have been hurt. Ephesians 6:21, "do not let the sun go down on your anger". Please pray that the Lord will give me a humble heart to forgive those who have hurt me and to ask for forgiveness from those I have wronged.

On another note, I was told that in this garage-like room were a whole bunch of extra bikes. Well, I made up my mind that today was the day for a bike ride. I hesistantly stepped into the pitch black garage to discover there were no over head lights. As I stumbled around, getting captured by spider webs, I finally found a worthy looking bike. I brought it outside and pumped up the tires. I proceeded to get on the bike only to find out that the chain was so rusty it wouldn't turn. I dragged it over to my dorm determined that I was going to make this work. A dorm mate suggested that I use vegetable oil. I raced inside but could only find Pam butter spray. With the bike turned over, we continually sprayed the chain with tons of Pam. By the end, the bike worked but smelled so terrible. And then the bugs came. I couldn't help but laugh and go on my bike ride anyway. Here are some of the pictures that I took while on my bike ride. It was beautiful.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Emergency Email

Received email:

This is an emergency email. Get yourself back to Annapolis immediately. Russell Crowe is there making a movie!!!!!! I know he will want to know how I am doing.

I received this from my gramma this afternoon and realized it was crucial that I hurry back to Annapolis.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Come on In

I was reading another blog and saw they had posted a little video of their domain. And thinking..."hmm, what a fabulous idea". I decided to do the same for ya'll to see. Welcome to my room at CIT, NC.

Friday, September 7, 2007

The Wild vs. Me

I was writing this to Shelly this morning and thought I would share with you all also.

I am sitting near my window and the sun is just peaking through...tempting me to go outside for my morning devotions. I am resisting the urge because the gigantic killer mosquitoes and I are at war up here. So far, they have managed to land eight different blows on my legs. If I suddenly loose all contact with you...know that I fought a good fight but the mosquitoes won the war.

We have no TV or many other American pleasures (thought internet is a must have). I go to class all day, dinner, HW, and then I go for a run down the trails. I love to run in the heat and all...but man oh man, my legs are not used to all the hills here! I conquer one hill just to be faced with the next one. I had to carry a large stone rock as my weapon yesterday because there were two enormous pit-bull dogs. Yes, they were chained up but the chains looked ready to snap. I tried to tell myself that 1) I could out run them or 2) I could take them on with my bare hands and awesome material arts skills....but then reality hit and I picked up a large stone. = )

We are having a potluck dinner tomorrow night. I signed up to bring the plates and cups. As most of you know, I am not the best cook.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

His way of speaking

Amazing how God speaks to us and teachs us what He wants us to learn. Today we were study a reading that tells us that God is not only using us to help and share the gospel with others but He is also making a change within us.

I was so wrapped up with helping others and being a missionary to others that I didn't stop for one second to think about the change and growth that needed to take place within my own life. I realize that I needed this mission trip as much as the people who I will be helping.

I have met some wonderful people here who are dedicating their lives to the mission field. I am so jealous of their calling and yet at the same time scared. I am scared that as much as I love the academy and my life style here...I will get to Uganda and fall in love with the children and ministering to them. I almost want to hold myself back from falling in love with them so the decision about what to do after my year there will be easier. Part of me longs God to call me there full time and the other part is so so scared that He will and I will have to give up everything.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Battling with God

I am really struggling with the Lord right now. I know without a doubt that He wants me to serve Him in Uganda but I don't what to be a missionary who says all the right words and seems so close in her walk with God and yet it is all just a show. I want to be filled with His presence and words and truly serve Him.

I feel like God has/is stripping the things and people I love from my life so I have nothing to turn to but Him and I am still fighting Him on it. It is almost as if I resent Him for taking the people and things I love out of my life and making me focus just on Him. How silly, stupid, and completely awful of me. With all the change and everything new in my life, I get so lonely sometimes...and God has been teaching me to open my heart to Him and the new people He has brought into my life. I don't know how to open up to all these strangers. I love there passion and drive and yet I feel like I can't be myself. Please pray that God would teach me to be open hearted.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Magic School Bus

I have to wear skirts the whole time I am in Africa because that is what is culturally acceptable. Well for those who know me...this is no problem because being a girly-girl, I love wearing skirts. I decided to sew most of the skirts to: 1) save money 2) be able to donate them to the village girls when I leave. While I was at the fabric store to get material...I decided I would only use crazy fabulous material. I figured the children would love it (real reason: katy would love it). So I have begun with materials covered in planets, bugs, bright colors, big poka dots, and butterflies. My sister informs me that with my red hair, crazy outfits, and as a teacher - I have officially become the teacher from the Magic School Bus books, Ms. Frizzle.
I would argue this point but she is always right. = )

Sunday, September 2, 2007

God provides

How amazing is God. I have been saving every penny and praying hard that God would provide. There have been days when I have been discouraged and doubted that the money would be there. And yesterday, I received a huge gift from a dear loved one. I was blown away by the way God was using those around me to provide. I still have a ways to go but I am at my half point mark, praise the Lord!