Monday, November 26, 2007

Torro Babies Home

My main focus until school starts is the Torro Babies home. I visited for the first time a few days ago and it nearly broke my heart. I told the Head Mistress that I would be back every day except Sundays from then until school started. There are about 40 babies there a mixture of healthy, mal-nutritioned, and HIV positive.

It is a real struggle. You walk in and all the toddlers come running to attack you with their sticky hands and mushed up grass hoppers (a specialty here). If you forget to take all your jewlery and special clothing off, prepared for it to be pulled at. They fight to sit in your lap pulling each other off. They wrap their arms around you neck so tight you can hardly breathe and yet don't know what they are saying as they jabber at you in Torro a mile a minute. I bought a ball for them today and it was fun to have them running around playing. After about two hours with the older kids I sit down on the cement porches with the babies who are set out there for the day.

The babies either have no diaper or have soaked through the one they have on. As they make a wet puddle, they are moved and set in another spot. The first day I constantly cringed as I would feel the wetness soaking into my clothes from holding the babies. Some are rolly polly babies and others have arms and legs that are twigs and yet will be one or two years old. They wrap their tiny arms around any part of you. After sitting and just holding for a while, we move in for lunch.

Their are about 8-10 kids per small room each with his/her own crib. I help feed and clean the older toddlers and babies. Then we move to the infants who you wouldn't even know where there. 2 weeks old, 5 months old.....tiny babies in cribs all day. I feed them bottles and just sing to them while the other crawl in bed for nap time. It breaks my heart each time I walk into a room and realize there are more babies in each corner every day that I didn't know about the day before.

It has been a real struggle for me. I want to cry for each child and yet it does no good. They greet me with huge smiles and I force myself to continue smiling until I leave for the day. I want to shower....wash away the urine, spit up, poop, left over food, filth, and any trace of HIV each time I walk home. And yet, I hold onto each baby tighter each day...hoping if I get enough of it on me, they will have to endure less of it. And yet it is the children and babies who show me God's pure happiness each day. They laugh and play through out it all and are happy to be alive. I pray that I will learn to be so thankful for everything I have and love my life to it's fullest.


Anonymous said...


You know I wouldn't do well there with all the kids. I'm glad you like it and got there ok for the most part. I saw the Pierces yesterday and told them to tell you hi. I'm praying for you! Love ya!


Anonymous said...

As it goes with urine, spit up and such, the more exposure you have, the less impact it has. Speaking as a Mom of 3 who wasn't "clean again" until about 3 years ago. And occasionally, someone still wipes a snotty nose on me. I must look very absorbent.

Keep loving those babies and toddlers - your arms and hands, your lap - is a daily offering to God, your spiritual act of worship through hugging and holding. That is an amazing ministry, though understandably difficult. You are made for it, in ways you don't even know about yet! Praying for your endurance, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

All my love,

Anonymous said...

Dearest Kate,

God truly has a great sense of humor. Are their little feet touching you, my not so warm and fuzzy girl? Love, hugging, touching, feeding, singing and caring cross the language barrier and are felt universally.

Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey baby sister,
I have to read your blog only once a week or I would be crying every night. I read and can see the children clear as day. I just want you to send me one so I can help!! Know that we send our love to you!!
Cass and Aubrey

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your updates and providing us in the States a little window into such a different world. It is encouraging to us to see you helping. It re-reminds me of the more important and eternal things of life. Good work. And please keep us posted on any of the needs we all may be able to meet for these children and families.

We pray for your health and safety and the Lord's will be done in your life.

Isaiah 26:3-4

The Steffen Family.

P.S.- My children would like to write to the children there. Can the children at your school respond to letters we send? Should we send postage?

Anonymous said...

Dear dear Katy,
A long overdue hello and we miss you . . . it is so wonderful to be able to read about your life while it is going on, all very fresh. You are great at painting a picture. My heart is pulled to those children, especially as I look at my own well-fed, healthy girls. I'm so glad that your living situation/roomie have exceeded your expectation, I can only think that helps, given the difficulty of your work. It sounds like your call to spend this year in Uganda is being confirmed. I will write a longer e-mail via your other address and catch you up on the doings here, although not nearly as news worthy!
Missing you,
p.s. saw Kat last night at the pep rally for Army/Navy, felt a little like seeing you . . .

Anonymous said...

I came across your blogging site while doing a google search and I just want to say that you are truly a miracle to those children there. God is using you to make a difference in this world, in the lives of those children and I am so glad that you followed his calling. Your faith is such a blessing and I hope that one day I will be able to make a difference in children's lives like you have!
also is there anything you guys need there? I am a college student who doesn't have much money but I would love to write letters to the children maybe or send some supplies.
my email is
just let me know
;-) God bless

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Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David