Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Farewell USA

Well, it is finally that time. I head out tomorrow morning for JFK. I scrambled to finish packing my two bags tonight. They are awful heavy and I pray that they aren't over 70 lbs. I kept thinking of last minute things to stuff in them. I packed really tightly so I had all this extra room but tons of stuff in zip lock, air free bags. I can't wait to check them and not have to worry about them until the other end of the journey.

I just want to take time to thank all of my family and friends. I would not be here today with out your love and support. I tease my mom all the time telling her that she is fabulous but I really do mean it. She has done SO much for me. I couldn't be more blessed or wish for anything else. And not just my mom but also my siblings, extended family, new friends, old friends, friends of friends...I am so fortunate. I look forward to meeting new people in Uganda with eagerness but will never forget the wonderful people in my life already. Thank you all.

A rough sketch of my first week was shared with me. Here is what it looks like: Saturday I arrive in Kampala (the capital of Uganda). Jennifer and Rachel are picking me up but may be late because there is a traffic ban that day due to a high security conference going on. We will spend 2 nights in the city to tour around, get over jet lag, go to church. Monday we will begin the 4 hr jeep ride to Fort Portal. Tuesday & Wednesday I will settle in, start learning about the culture, observe classes at Hope School. Thursday I will meet the other missionaries at Thanksgiving dinner. And Friday I will spend back at the school.

I have my camera charged and ready. I will report back with pictures and an update in a week or two. Love you all!

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