Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bathroom Mix Up

The drive to Philly today wasn't bad until the last leg where I got lost and went 30 miles too far. It was about a five hour drive and by the time I got to the mall, I had to go to the bathroom REALLY bad. I rushed down this narrow hallway and saw "women" written in large cursive letters on the wall. The opening was like those at an airport - going straight in you would hit a wall..you go to the right to enter and exit on the left. Well that is what I assumed. Little did I know that the men were on the right and the woman on the left. The hallway was dark and I only saw the women's sign. After going to the bathroom, I walked out of the stall to be faced with a gentleman using an urinal. He was as shocked and mortified as I was. I rushed out in complete embarrassment. I don't know how I find myself in these type of situations but I am scarred for life. yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you own a compass? Someone should buy you a compass. Maybe one that you can hang around your neck.