Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Packing IQ

How does one know exactly how many things of deodarent to bring? Will two sticks carry me through or will I begin to stink at the end? Will the one dark chocolate bar curb my craving for the next seven months or should I bring a large stash? Can you ever pack too many colorful (barbie, superman, glitter, sponge bob) bandaides? These are the thoughts that race through my mind lately as I scramble to pack my bags. One more week, ladies and gentlemen.

It is so thrilling. As I sat excitedly waiting to get my shot today (yes, I like shots...weird I know), I realized how far God has brought me since around this time last year. It was in January when I first dared to mention that I felt like God wanted me to be in Africa and not at the Academy. I was sitting talking with Chaps when it slipped out - I was as shocked as he was. Now here I am, trying to think of how much suntan lotion I should bring with me!


Jenn said...

Just bring a lot of bug spray!! Don't worry too much about deodorant, no-one else does:)

Caitlin said...

bring lots of deodorant, i know how stinky you are.

Luke said...

You LIKE shots? Eek.

Anonymous said...

Wow - you are both frantic and reflecting. . . that's pretty good! Keep reflecting. Better for the heart rate!

One week. Don't worry. I have a feeling that it won't matter what you packed once you are there. Except, perhaps, the bug repellent. I could imagine deep regret about that one!

Hey, are you TANNING in Africa? Or blocking sun? = )

Praying for energies spent packing, quality time with loved ones, safe passage, and glorious days of seeing God at work in Uganda.

One can never have too many fun bandaids. You know they're decorative AND useful!

Love you! Tara

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot. Ella likes shots too... something you have in common.