Sunday, November 18, 2007

I am HERE!

Well, so my idea of arriving at 1400 on saturday was wishful thinking. Fog rolled into Dubai and I ended up being there from midnight (friday) until 1900 (saturday). I arrived in Uganda at 0145 very tired. Thank the Lord though, because my luggage came in and I was given a visa. We drove to a hostel close by for the night. It was late so I didn't really see anything. Though driving on the wrong side of the road and sitting in the passenger seat which to us is the drivers seat was a little weird. I showered and crept into my mosquitoe net covered bed.

I woke up early and Jennifer, Rachel, and I headed to a local church. As we drove there, I couldn't take it all in. There was so much to see and absorb. Jeeps with armed soldiers, children running around everywhere, red dirt roads, huts/houses all crammed together in alleyways, and so much more. We stopped at an India restaraunt and ate AMAZING food. (thought of you Justin & Tracy) We leave tomorrow morning for Fort Portal. Jennifer says I am seeing the nice and developed area but it is a lot different where I will be living. Hard to imagine.

Well, I will try and get on in a week or so.


Anonymous said...

Dearest Kate,

I am so jealous. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the noise, the feel of the air, the things you will get to taste.

The radio station began 24/7 Christmas music the day you left, a constant reminder for me of you.

Let us know what you need, personally and otherwise, many hands here are excited about packing boxes to send.

Love your fabulous Mom

Anonymous said...

See if you can find me an Idi Amin tee shirt.(kidding of course) Are the mosquitos really as big as Volkswagons?? We are all looking forward to reading your updates and we think of you often through your adventure. Abby laughed at the picture of the toilet!
Love, uncle sean

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed at your toilet feat!! Glad you arrived safe and sound. we think of you often and speak about you all the time. Love reading about your adventures! HOw awesome! Are you craving or needing any delicacies?? Chocolate, licorce, crackers?? Anything? We will start sending out packages to keep you in well supply! Love you much, Aunt Jenny and gang