Friday, November 16, 2007

1st Leg of the Journey

Well, I am sitting in Dubai airport. I have made it half way. So much has happened and I wish you could see what I have seen so far. Let me share my last 26 hrs (with time change).

So, I left home at 1045 yesterday (thursday) to catch a shuttle to JFK. I departed JFK (thursday) at 2315 for Hamburg, Germany. I boarded the plane and glanced around in amazement. We each had our own TV with over 150 movies and also music. We were all given blankets, pillows, head sets, heated towels, sleeping masks, tooth brush & paste, and socks. They served a spicy chicken cury, rice, and okra dinner with also a roll, seafood salad, fresh salad, cheese & crackers, rice pudding, and brownie. And then later on a breakfast that was equally as big. I felt like royalty. It was a 7 hr flight to Germany but with the time change I landed at 1330 (friday). The lay over was 1 hr and I was soon on another flight for the next 5 hrs to Dubai. I landed and it was 2345 (friday).

As I walked around Dubai airport, my mouth hung open with wonder. It is huge and as busy as Times Square NYC. Everything is decorated in gold and deep colors. There are shops everywhere selling absolutely everything. It is late so there are people EVERYWHERE laying down asleep on the ground. I went to the restroom, thinking nothing of it. And discovered, I have now entered the realm of hole in the ground toilets. I must brag that I did pretty well for my first time. = )

I don't leave Dubai until 0800 (saturday). So, I will sleep here all night and resist the urge to go exchange all my money and buy tons of goodies. I will, hopefully, arrive in Uganda at 1430 (saturday).


Alyss said...

you look wayyy cute in that long skirt..i like the pattern. only you can pull some sort of fashion sense with the limitations of what you have to wear in Africa. let me know of anything you might have forgotten or need/want...first package is coming to you soon :)

love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree - your outfit is really cute. You obviously figured out what to wear! Of course, this is probably not of tremendous importance now that you've entered the world of hole in the ground toilets. Congratulations on successful usage, though. I knew you'd do well.

Hope you aren't too tired to enjoy your tour and praying that the ride to Fort Portal is a good one. And that your first week is a good one, too!

It is actually happening. I'm pinching myself. I could go pinch Scott. He's probably fallen asleep on the couch.
