Monday, November 26, 2007

My Job Here

What am I doing here? Good question...glad you asked. Well the first two days I spent with the kids at school. I got to know the teachers and how things ran. Classes end tomorrow and the kids are on break until February 1st. So I will spend that time writing my lessons and getting ready to teach. I will be teaching math for 3rd and 4th grade and another unknown class as of right now.

Then I began language lessons with a local girl named stella. Man, I thought it would be easy cause English is spoken here. WRONG. First off I am learning to speak with an accent or a broken staccato like English. But the real challenge is that most of the children and older adults speak Torro a village dialect. So to teach and work with the children and pretty much interact in the community - I must learn the language. I am really excited to get it down. I am meeting with my tutor for an hour or two every day for December-January before school starts.

We live in a village about 5 kilometers from town. So I walk into town in the mornings to work at the Torro babies home for most of the day until 1500. It is a hillly long walk but I enjoyed it. I love the people I wish I could describe how different it is here. The kids come out to say hi as you pass by and everyone is so friendly. Personal space is not really in exsistance hold hands with everyone and I am learning to enjoy it.

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