Friday, November 30, 2007

Prayers for disease

Last night it was reported that the neighboring villages where some fellow missionaries live have a break out of ebola. So far in the one village it is around 79 deaths. They are not sure if they are going to quaranteen it or not but it has already begun to spread to other villages. It has no cure and they haven't seen it this far west in Uganda before. Please pray that it will not continue to spread to Fort Portal and for the safety of the missionary doctors helping out.


Anonymous said...

Annelise had blogged about it - I'm already praying.

made ONE velcro-closure diaper - hope to manufacture some more.

love you! Tara

Kimiko said...

forgive me for disappearing--altho you are the one who left. praise god. i'm yelling at him right now about Jonah and ebola in Africa. but still grateful you are there. do you want me to mail the letter for you or did you get someone else since I was so late?