Monday, November 26, 2007

Some Free Time

Well, I have a little bit of free time because the babies ate lunch and took their nap early and the internet cafe is open. Man, I don't know where to start. First let me describe my home.

I arrived to find that the little stone place that I would be sharing with Rachel is so delightful. So much more then I expected so I am in love with it. She has worked hard to make it homey. We share a bunk bed and I have all my stuff on these local wicker shelves. And we have a little sitting room to greet guests in. I plan on taking a little video of it and posting but today is not that day. We have attached outside a kitchen with a stone outside stove and a shower room where we hang a bag of water with a hose to shower. And Rachel and I are working on a garden. I am hoping to buy some tomatoe, carrot, cucumber, squash, and corn seeds today in town. We already have lettuce, peppers, dodo, and green beans. Everyone has a garden because that is how you eat around here.

Rachel is a delight of a room mate. Really fun and down to earth. Definitely my stlye. She cleaned out her closet and has some hammy downs for me....Kathryn made me think of you. The house is right next to the church and school. So every morning I wake up to tons of children running by on their way to school in purple and blue uniforms. The picture of the bathroom I posted earlier is a dream bathroom...I wish I had. We really just have a stall with cement floors and a hole. But I thank God for everything nice that I didn't expect and can't complain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good to have a place to land that feels homey, especially when it's better than expected. Feel like I'm there with you because of your vivid description. Dodo - I don't know what that is. Must be local food!
Love, Tara