Friday, November 30, 2007

I am now a teacher!

Hello everyone!

Well, I have now been here two, it feels like centuries. I taught my first class today! Yes, I am now officially a teacher...scary thought. = ) I stood up and wrote math problems on the board and helped the children answer them in their notebooks. Walked around with as stern as a face as I could muster so they would do their work and quit talking. Then I graded all the problems and handed them back. It was so much fun but quite a shock to find out that in just one of my classes P3 (3rd grade) there are 78 students!!!! Can you believe that! I was shocked to realized I would be teaching around 150 different students and need to remember their names and everything. Thank goodness that my memorization skills are up to par. Here in school it is very common for the teachers to beat the students with reeds. I witnessed my first beating today. It is not as if they beat them to a pulp but they do make them lie down and they beat them on their bottoms. It is hard to get used too. But evidently the parents expect their children to get all their discipline at school. I won't be doing any beating, thankfully they don't expect me too. They start their exams Monday and I will be grading over 5,000 problems...yikes! Cassie and all you teachers have my utmost respect right now!


Anonymous said...

Kate Honey,

On the computer,, you can chat on line, you will need the express service code off of the computer. To run a test and identify the problem, hold down the function key (lower left on keyboard) and then power on. This invokes a test and will give you information on problems the computer is having, write that down. Best to take the computer to the cafe with you, if possible, and plan to spend a little time there.

Love you, and praying for you, Mom

Jyll said...

Teaching isnt that hard. Remember, you need to start off being strict and then once you have earned the kids' respect, you can ease up on them. If you start off easy, they will walk all over you. I don't know how kids in Uganda are, but if they are anything like the kids in the United States (after all, they are kids), they will look to see if you follow through with rules and procedures and try to see what they can get away with, especially in the beginning. Try to have fun with the teaching. I know it can be a challenge, but it can also be very rewarding. God bless. Jyll

Anonymous said...

Hey sis,
I agree with Jyll with starting off with the kids. I know you can do it sis. Thanks for the props.
love you much,