Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Our Comfort Zone

Dan M. from World Harvest is one of a kind. I first met him early this summer at orientation. I shared with him where God has brought me from and where He is leading me. Dan helped guide me through orientation and looked out for me. I grew to respect him in such a short time. One of the first things you notice is his jokeful personality, he makes you laugh. But as the week went on, I realized that he has a hard time being personal (hugging, showing his emotion with others). And yet, his HUGE heart for the Lord just radiates from him. Today he pulled me aside, "Katy, this is really hard for me to say but your life's story about your journey with God made you one of my hero's this summer." I looked at him in shock and didn't know what to say.

I want to cry now as I realize that I couldn't bring myself to step outside my comfort zone and tell him what a Christ like example he has been to me and how much I respect him. I have such a hard time sharing my feelings with others. And here was someone who struggled with the same thing and yet was willing to step outside and share. My friends and family have told me that I have a hard time telling them of my love for them. I am so ashamed to think that I couldn't bring myself to sacrifice a little of my comfort to share how much they mean to me. (Tara this is for you too.)

Today this is my prayer. Lord, please open my heart to those I love so very much. Please allow me to radiant your love to those around me as I have seen Dan do.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

All the Credit is His

I am so close to being done with support raising and yet this past week I began to worry and complain about not being able to raise the last amount. I realized that God had provided so much in such an unexpected time and I had never stopped to really spend time thanking Him. I almost was proud to say "I raised such and such amount already"; as if I was taking God's credit for raising the money. Once again He needed to gently nudge me and remind me that it is He who provides for all things. I hang my head in shame as I realize my doubt and lack of trust. 'To God be all the glory for the great things He has done.'

I got a call from a doctor and dental office today. They both agreed to give me a physical and dental check-up for free. How amazing is God. I still need to get my shots but am looking to see where is the best place.

Hopefully, I can send out my first support email today with updates. I still need to figure out how to put all the email addresses into one link so it is easier when I email in Uganda.

Monday, October 22, 2007

What would happen if we stopped?

I have been at training for two days. And as I chattered on (as I am known to do) I was asked by a lady - "what would happen if you just stopped?". Stopped trying to accomplish a miracle, stopped trying to be a hero, stopped trying to be all that I can be. I looked at her in shock...most people say nice words of encouragement and admiration for all that I manage to fit in. My first thought was - well things would just not get done or fall apart. Wow, was I overcome with pride. The world would keep on turning and most would not even experience a speed bump if I stopped. How small we are in the big picture of life and yet how often we feel like the world revolves around us. I want to stop rushing against time; and begin living according to God's schedule book and not my own.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


I am excited - I can barely type a complete sentence! I just got an email from my team leader in Fort Portal that I have been approved to come by Nov 15th. That means in about three weeks, I will be in Africa!!!! This is a picture of where I will be living with my team mate, Rachel. I leave early tomorrow for Asheville and my last week of training. But I will try and keep you updated as we get so close to the send off date. Please pray that I will have the last of my support in within the next two weeks.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Support Update

On Sunday, Jess and I went to the Mariner's Church. I had asked them for support and wanted to visit while I could. Jess put up with me arriving late and getting lost many times on the way. = ) The service was such a blessing. I hope to attend more when I get back to the academy. The mission committee met last night to discuss whether they will support me or not. I am supposed to receive a call today and will fill you in with the news. Please keep praying.

I left on my road trip expecting nothing and was blown away time and again by the support given to me. God is amazing - He chooses to use the most unexpected people. Thank you all those who gave their love and support. Support Raising:
Raised - $8500
Still Need - $1000
I am about 90% there.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Road Trip, Days 3-6 - Family

I spent the next three days with Shelly, the girls, and Chaps. It was so much fun to relax for a few days and not stress about anything. The girls and I got time to play and goof off together. Chaps and I had a brief time to talk which I love to do. And Shelly and I got to talk, do hair, cook, and play multiple games of cards. I will admit that this visit she did beat me pretty bad. But the challenge is still on. They offered me support, prayers, and their love. It was hard to say goodbye but I know I will see them again as soon as I get back.

I spent the last day of my journey with my brother and his family. We spent time in God's word, praying, and discussing issues. It was a blessing because though some of it was hard to have someone be so honest with me - shows their love and respect for me. And I couldn't want more. Thank you to those who prayed for me while I was there. I definitely feel like God is using my brother to help me through some struggles I have. Please continue to pray.

The next morning, I drove 11 hrs home. I had to stop at least 3 x's to take short naps because I was drifting as I drove. It was a really hard drive home but I made it in one piece.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Road Trip, Day 2 - Dinner Party

I arrived Saturday afternoon with strict instructions to drive to a friend's house for a get together. My darlin Kathryn was in charge. She had planned a dinner get together of friend's who wanted to say hi. When I arrived and saw so many people, I felt so loved. I always had a tiny worry that I would be forgotten. And here were tons of people showing up to show me their love and support. We spent the evening talking, laughing, and eating good food. Some are missing from the picture but I tried to get tons of pictures to remember the night. They gave me cards full of fabulous advice and lots of support.

These girls right here worked so hard in the kitchen the whole night. Kathryn was the head chef and the other three willingly offered to slave away beside her. Every dish was homemade: chicken pasta, salad, biscati, apple cider, carmel dipped apples, apple pie, cheese cake, reg cake, and so many other treats. And Kathryn even had hot dogs for me cause she knows it is my favorite. She is just too good to me.

This is a picture of Kathryn and I. We were roommates last year. I wish I had treasured it twice as much when we were together cause I miss her so much. She has continually sacrificed and supported me along this journey. She was the first friend I told that I might be leaving for Africa. She said she believed in me and I could do anything and know I had her full support. Man, it broke my heart to say goodbye. I know that she will have Carmen (her new roomie) to love her while I am gone but I will still think of her often. God definitely gave me Kathryn to help with everything I might go through. She has already given me a months worth of cards to take with me to africa and open there. Cards for days such as: rainy days, lonely days, doubting days, happy days, and such. I will miss her every day I am gone. Kat, I love you.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Road Trip, Day 1 - Coast Guard

I don't even know where to begin. I started my road trip last Friday. I drove to the Coast Guard academy in CT to visit my dearest friend, VD. I hadn't seen her in two years but we definitely didn't have to catch up because we talk almost everyday. When I parked and saw, it felt so good to hug her and be with her again. I missed her so much. She was my first roommate in college. She took me out to Olive Garden, downtown, and then a hotel. I would like it to be known that this time she moaned and groaned in her sleep and it wasn't me this time. She forever accused me of that when we were roomies. It was so sad to have to say goodbye in the morning. She gave me a hug and offered me support for my trip. I was so overwhelmed by how much I love and miss her. Thank you, Vd.

One Foot Out the Door

Well, I am in the midst of packing up the car and rushing out the door. But after such a rough day yesterday, I wanted to leave on a good note. Thank you to those who quickly wrote or called to offer words of encouragement and advise. My friend Tara said it the best so I am going to quote her: "We do get homesick. For familiar things and faces. For easier times that we can comprehend. Sometimes, we get “home” and find it isn’t the comfort we thought. It was the idea of comfort we longed for. The truest comfort, the best feeling of home can be found in the presence of God. If we can be steadied by the Lord, we may see Him and find our home. And one day, all who are in Christ will be home, in the best, truest way."

Everything is coming together, though I still would love your prayers. I am headed out the door to visit all my amazing friends and family, and of course, support raise. I will be back next Wednesday and fill everyone in on how it went.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I'm Melting!

So you know how you have a huge stack of things to do and though it is a are not stressed and things are going well. Then *WHAMY* and just one little thing added to the stack -makes it all crumble. And then the stress just pours in. This is where I am at. Please pray that I will have patience and trust in God.

I leave tomorrow for Conneticut, Maryland, DC, and then Virginia. My little brother is letting me borrow the car for the trip which saved me a bundle of money. I am trying so hard to be frugil and save every penny. It has gotten to the point where I feel guilty for buying anything that is not an essential. I have not even packed for the trip. I don't feel emotionally or spiritually ready for this trip. I am visiting family and friends and hoping to mend some bridges and be open with some important people in my life.

I wrote to Grace Community church today asking for financial and prayer support. I met their pastor. He was amazing and shared a passion for the children of Uganda. Their mission coordinator said they don't normally support outsiders but he would bring it to the board and see what happens. It is so frustrating because most churches don't support outsiders but for me with no home church...that is all I am - an outsider. Please please please pray they will open their hearts to what God is having me do.

My mom told me last night that I am no longer her favorite because I am not a warm and fuzzy person. haha. I have never been told that I am not warm and fuzzy. I need to work on this. So I am trying to stop and enjoy the changes around and the beauty of nature. Here are some pics I took through out my day. Fall is definitely my favorite season.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Support Update

God is so good. I flew all day yesterday and got home at midnight. Waiting on my desk were letters full of love and support. Thank you my dear friends and family! Here is a schedule of what my next weeks will look like and also an update on how support raising is going.

Support Raising:
Raised - $6320
Still Need - $3180

I am about 67% there. I am really praying that God will provide a home church who would be willing to support me both financially and with prayers. I attended the Naval Academy chapel the last two years which was a blessing but as a result I don't have a home church body. I have approached two different churches and am praying that God will open the hearts of one.

Schedule for the rest of October:
Oct. 6-11
~ I will be home finishing paper work, getting immunization shots, medical reviews, packing up, support raising.
Oct. 11-13 ~ I will be in NYC and Conneticut visiting dear friends who I haven't seen in two 1/2 years, support raising.
Oct. 13-16 ~ I will be in Annapolis visiting my sponsor family and Academy friends, support raising, and also speaking at a church.
Oct. 16-18 ~ I will be in DC and VA beach visiting my family and cutest nephew in the world, and support raising.
Oct. 19-20 ~ *still unsure* I will be in Kentucky visiting my support coach from the mission organization and raising support in the military community there.
Oct. 20-26 ~ I will be in Asheville, NC at my last training session (Sonship).

Thursday, October 4, 2007

CIT family

This is the cross cultural, CIT, training class for fall of 2007. What an amazing group of people who had such a positive affect on my life.
Our version of "My Big Fat
Greek Wedding" bunt cake.

We baby sat the kids for
the parents, I was in charge
of all the activities.

--This is Jyll and Jenn,
two of my dorm mates.
Beautiful girls with hearts
for Latin America and Africa.
This is Tara's family,--
whom I fell in love with.
Headed to Ireland.
The Ugandan meal I made for my dorm mates & guests.

Group project puzzle
that I became obsessed
with completing.

This is Shirley who lived
her whole life in Mexico.
She is a beautiful and
amazing woman.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Personal Toilet Paper

Got an email today sharing the news that nephew #2 is on the way! What an exciting surprise to my day. They have already decided on the name Sydney.

Spent the whole night working on my paper. We were assigned a 15 page paper due this Thursday about the country we are headed too. Writing about everything: religion, politics, history, security, health, military, sports, arts, music, geography, education, industry, taboos, family structure, communication, and on. Well, there is no way to fit that into 15 pages. I am about 85% done and on page 27. It has been quite an experience. Tonight's interesting fact is that the people of Uganda do not use there left hand for anything in public. Because it is used as personal toilet paper. I need to start practicing...not the personal toilet paper usage but avoiding using my left hand in public.