Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Prayer & Laughter

Here is the little girl who has won her way completely into my heart. Her name is Jeryn - she is the daughter of a fellow teacher at Hope School. She spent the night with Rachel and I this past weekend and it was the most fun. And yes, that is me without anything done to my hair and no make up - welcome to life in Africa.

I need to ask for some serious prayer. Last night a doctor who works with our team died from ebola. They have evacuated all the neighboring team mates and just this week there was a case of ebola here in Fort Portal. People are starting to wear gloves when handling any money or the such. Everyone is scared and unsure about this. Please pray - it has become quite a serious plague.

There is so much more but my time is up! love to all!


Anonymous said...

Dearest Kate,
If you had a phone several people here would be calling you to come home. Dr. C said that Mrs. Dr. C is enlisting everyone she knows to pray for you. My heart knows that you are OK, let me know if the package arrives, two more on the way, clothes and cookie stuff, pans, cutters, supplies, recipes. I knew you would have a life changing time there, but ebola did not figure into the equation. I love you and miss talking to you. Mom

Anonymous said...

And how many times did I ask if you were taking make-up? Mom knows best.

Anonymous said...

So good to see a post. I'd begun to hold my breath when I'd check in!

And good to see you, make-up-less and hair-do-less. Natural Katy is good. Besides, I've seen that OUTSIDE of Africa!

Havin' spend the night parties, are ya? Not surprised, not surprised.

I've been keeping up with all the ebola news and team news through the Myhre's blog and through Annelise's prayer letters. It is devastating to read these things, but only devastating if I am more impressed by the disease than by our Physician. That's paraphrasing Annelise, actually. Credit where it is due. . .

So, I've been praying quite a lot for the WHM teams there, for you, for the Ugandan people, and for God to be known as powerful and able through all this. And friends have been enlisted to pray as well. So we are watching . . . and waiting.

Is there anyway for me to check on you besides your posts? I figure you are posting and checking email with the same frequency. Just feeling a little mother hen here. Or sister hen. Whatever you like.

Tara and all the Slates

Anonymous said...

Know that our whole church is praying for you!! The Lord is with you every step of the way!!
love and miss,

Alyss said...

Katy you are definitely in my prayers...I miss talking to you. Schools been kicking my butt the past 2 weeks and finals start this friday...i know i said i was working on sending out a box...but I wont be able to get it done in time before i leave, so when i get home it will for sure be finished and shipped...not having a car and not having gone out in a week delayed the project.

I love you sooo much!


Jenn said...

Katy, you look great!

I am praying!

Much love,