Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hazardous Fruit Bearing

Went to the market where I managed to fall flat on my face in front of a huge crowd. Yep, graceful is my middle name. I was carrying my bag, two watermelons, and two pineapples when I tripped over a root but having no free hand to catch myself just fell. Everyone quickly rushed to help me, repeatedly saying sorry though they were faultless. Embarrassment flushed across my face and my body screamed in pain but I didn’t want to cry in front of all these people. So picking myself up, I limped to a bodah bodah to get a ride home. Vulnerability poured from every pour as I painfully stumbled around to pick up my smashed fruit off the ground.

I was sharing this with a dear friend when she told me that I should write and tell of how God is helping me grow in the fruits of the spirit through these experiences. I need lots of growth in these areas: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.
But as I was whining about my embarrassment and pain - I shamefully forgot to share how God did use this situation. As I rode home on the bodah bodah sniffling to myself, I got a chance to know the driver who had seen me fall. He shared about his family and things he has been through growing up. Bruises fade away but I hope that this friendship will grow and last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kate,

This is what Pastor Duffet would say is a moment when someone must need a track. Be sure to look at each moment and your reaction to the moment as a testament of who Christ is in you. You are not a perfected creature, but a work in progress, striving to share what makes you stronger and helps you through the valleys. It is OK to cry.

Love you, Mom