Friday, December 14, 2007

Baby Home Pics

These are some of the kids at the Torro babies home that I work with every day. A lot of the younger babies are in their cribs so I didn't take many pics of them. These are the older kids who love to smother me with their sticky hands and snot filled faces....and I am loving every second of it.


Anonymous said...

The babies are SOOOOO cute, bring them all home. Which one is Buddha boy? It is so strange to see the green grass when we are now covered in white with more snow on the way. No Christmas tree up at home yet, where is my Kate?????

Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey sis,
You can also send me a little one! They are cute. I am watching a tiny one right now. Her family has lost power because of our ice storm. Aubrey works with her father so they are staying with us for a few days. Babies......are cute.
love you babe,

Anonymous said...

awww sooo adorable!!