Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year Thanks!

Happy New Years one and all. And yes, I realize that most of you still have eight hours to go but we just celebrated with a glass of Cold Duck champagne. The aroma of burning tires swirl around my head as I watch flares burn in the sky, local makeshift fireworks. I am so excited for this new year and yet have so much to be thankful for from this past year. Please know that I am sending my love to you all.

This is me - christmas day as I hugged my care package to my chest in childish delight. Thank you Kathryn and mom!

I ask that you pray for me as this upcoming year unfolds. I haven’t ever been one of those people who learn a hard lesson and then never make the same mistake twice. Too often I repeatedly stumble over the same hiccup – picture me touching the stove a second time to see just how hot it really is. This week I find myself falling flat on my face once again.

I sent in my re-admission packet to the United States Naval Academy. I can’t help but worry about getting back in and what my next year holds. I willingly trusted God and followed Him across the world to Africa; and yet I still hesitate to trust Him concerning my future. Though my heart longs to return to the Academy, I pray that God will show me clearly what His will is for me and that I will learn to trust Him in everything. May this next year be as fabulous as the last.


Anonymous said...

You look beautiful! Uganda suits you. Enjoy the new year and the promise of good things from God that it holds.


Jenn said...

Happy New Year!!
I agree with Tara. You look great! It's funny how we can trust God in the big things like moving to Africa, and then have trouble trusting Him in other things. I can relate! I'll pray that God will work out His will in your future plans.
Love Ya, Jenn

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Anonymous said...

i was thinking the same as your friends and was going to write it before i read their comments. you are beautiful. oh man, that loneliness hits at the least expected times. you thot xmas would be hard, but it turns out to be the few days after. dont be stubborn! ha, easy to say. take care. praying for you.

Dan said...

Glad you are doing well
HE will lead you according to HIS HIS time
happy new year!

dan macha