Saturday, January 5, 2008

Network of Love

Time and again my mouth falls open in a most unladylike manner, settling in this position as my brain struggles to grasp the unexpected gift of love. I began this blog as a way to share with friends back home in one felt swoop. And yet God has used it to encourage me to no ends. I have received countless emails from people who found it through someone who knew someone who knew me or even through googling “Uganda toilet paper” on the internet. (shout out to my new friend from Australia) Each email re-news my spirit as these complete strangers offer their support and prayers. Realizing that though perhaps to them it was just five short minutes out of their day which will never be re-visited, it made a world of difference to me.

A small act of kindness given to an unsuspecting victim could make a heap of difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Katy! I found your blog through your father and have been reading through it all day. what you are doing is amazing, and this experience has given you wisdom far beyond your years. the world, no matter where you are in it, will always be a better, brighter place because of you. Godspeed...