Monday, January 14, 2008

Young, Girly Stella


Let me introduce you to my very girly and young Ugandan friend, Stella Amooti. We first began our friendship as we met every afternoon out in the field for language lessons. She was so patient with me as I tried to mimic her every word. Often she would roll in laughter at my pronunciation.

She lives in the village with her mom, brother, gramma, and girl cousin. Her mom, Akiki, is one of the biggest blessing in the world and I thank God so much for her. She brought Stella up strictly, consequently her English and grades in school are very good. She has done an amazing job at raising her children on her own.

Stella and I no longer do language lessons but that has not stopped her from making the trek over each evening to visit with me. We sometimes sit and listen music, go for walks, garden, or our latest thing is to cook the evening meal together. Most times we cook way too much food and it gives me an opportunity to send it home with her for her family.

I have begun to treasure our time together in the evenings as a time to just relax and giggle with her. God has really put her on my heart as I long to be the good role model she is looking for. Recently she met this guy and constantly seeks to use my phone to call him and speaks of her wishes for me to take her to the city to see him. I forget that she is a sixteen year old girl. I struggle to find the balance between being a confidant, a fun young friend, and a role model. Please pray for us as our friendship grows. Pray that I will give advice and guidance with caution and after much prayer.

1 comment:

Stephani said...

You look like Rachel here. Search your heart as if Stella were your little girl. What would you have for her to keep her in God's will? I love you.