Sunday, December 9, 2007

PHONE NUMBER (updated)

I have a phone! I am so estatic that I have a cell phone but as I carry it around, I constantly reach for it to make a phone call and realize that I really can't just make international calls whenever I feel like it. But if someone calls me from the states then I don't have to pay for anything - so feel free to call any time. It is best to get a phone card and just call me on that...that way it will be cheaper for you. My number is 0751949741.

You have to have access to an international line then dial 011 256 75 1949741 I am 8 hours ahead of you (EST), and am home from the orphanage after 4 PM my time (8 AM your time).


Anonymous said...

For those of you that REALLY want to call Kate, you have to have access to an international line then dial

011 256 75 1949741

She is 8 hours ahead of me (EST), and is home from the orphanage after 4 PM her time (8 AM my time).

Anonymous said...

I emailed yesterday - Monday 12/10

Did ya get it??

((hug)) Tara