Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jump On In

Hold on! Hear comes the 'flying squirrel' falls! I talked my mom into white water rafting down from the source of the Nile River. It was an intense experience. There were class five falls with a few smaller ones. We got on the water at 0830 and didn't get off until 1630.

I soon realized after the first fall that it is more fun to be outta the boat as we proceed down the falls then in it. They tried to convince me that the goal was to make it thru the fall without tipping or falling out of the boat. I was not convinced - before we even got to the rapids I jumped.
The thrill of it gave me such a high. The power of the waves would suck my body under with a terrifying force. If you fought it then it would take that much longer to surface. I remember being whipped around and just smiling under the water as I relaxed and raced down the Nile.

My mom was hard corps and hung in there with us. The only downer was at certain points we weren't allowed to jump over to swim because of the crocodiles but over all - SWEET!

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