Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Arriving State Side

Well, I left Uganda on May 15th and arrived in JFK on May 16th. The first thing I noticed was on the drive home, most cars had one maybe two passangers. For those of you in Africa, you know that a car would never leave until it was over flowing with at least 9 people in a four door, 12 people in a jeep, and 26 people in a truck. One of many differences I would notice in the first day back.

Toilets, showers, and carpet are luxuries that I had no problem re-adjusting too.

I struggled with jet leg for the first three days home. Went to bed around 1930 and would wake up at 0400. I spent two days at up in New York unpacking and organizing everything. I then got back on a plane to fly to DC where I have been staying for the past week.

Today marks a full week back in the states. I don't have words of wisdom to share. And I am not quite sure what emotions I am battling with. While my mind is constantly back in Uganda, I am enjoying the days here. I have spent the past week excercising and spending down time just preparing my heart for this new direction/focus. I am getting excited to jump into the whirl wind of visiting friends and family. Thanks for your patience with me.

I will be sending out an update real soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you - I have missed you! Time . . . what is always needed for adjustments, sorting out, transitioning. Take time and feel it all.

Love you,