Sunday, May 11, 2008

Charging Chimps

We woke early to begin our Indiana Jones adventure to find the hidden community of chimpanzees. Racing in the brisk morning air, we arrived in just enough time to catch public transportation to Kibale National Forest. Crowding nine people into a small car, we sat on top of each and held our breath as a nice body aroma filled the car. Our guide was waiting for us at the entrance of the trail; he smart fully had on rubber boots. After a mini lecture where he instructed us to not make mimicking noises of the monkeys because we won’t know what we are saying to them…we began our journey.
Within the first ten minutes, I of course stopped right in a red ant hill and started to dance as they bit me. Definitely see where the saying “ants in the pants” come from. This did not distract us from our hunt for chimps though I was a bit uncomfortable. About 35 minutes into our search we came across a friendly quite large chimpanzee! He didn’t seem at all impressed with these noisy tourists following behind him. We tracked through the under bush behind him as he led us to the community of chimpanzees.
Upon our arrival at the community, we were greeted by the second in command as he came charging at us. My mom quickly grasped my arm as he let loose with high pitched screams of terror; I am still trying to perfect just how he sounded to demonstrate for you. He pounded on the tree trunks as he headed our way. Our guide told us to stand our ground and sure enough he charged right past us into the midst of relaxing chimps who quickly scattered at his display of authority. Phew quite thrilling.
After about three hours we were ready to head back. The chimp and I kissed and we departed with no hard feelings. (ps. Aunt Jenn this is not a real chimp unlike that real elephant before. hehe)

1 comment:

leigh said...

What adventures you have to blog about! I stumbled upon your blog awhile ago and have enjoyed hearing about your experience...something I'd never be brave enough to do.