Sunday, March 30, 2008

Save me, I feel old!

Oh yes, as I blew my running nose in a desperate attempt to clear all fluids for the zillionth try, a group of young singers walked past. I mumbled to myself that they were probably too young and I was too old. For those of you who, like me, have forgotten how old I am – a ripe 21. I, for all of ten seconds, considered following them to watch the local concert and see the night crowd. (I hardly go to town at night because it can be dangerous traveling to/from my house in the village) And so, instead I went to the market, gathered my vegetables and got myself home before dark.

Strangely, until this day I had yet to miss the social life of a young twenty something year old. You would think that being surrounded by kids of all ages would keep a soul young carefree… but being responsible for these children changes everything. When one of my students fails a test, I feel like I have failed them. When one of my babies turns into a little bully, I feel like I have failed to hug him enough. When one of my students refuses to obey, I feel as if I have failed to be strict enough. When one of my babies dies, I feel like I have failed to love and pray enough for them. God has given me this awesome responsibility of taking care of some of His precious children. What an honor, that I strive to live up to. What a comfort to know that He only gives what He has enabled me to handle and He’ll take care of the rest.

So as to my lack of a social life, well there will be time in the future but the carefree young twenty something blanket will from now on be threaded with the knowledge of my responsibilities to those around me.

(day at a theme park – on my list of things to do when I get back…can’t wait to be twenty something again)

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