Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sharing the Laughter

Some days are rough, long, and heartbreaking; but today was not one of those days. Pure happiness and delight were woven through out every minute of this day. I captured some of the moments to share with you because words just didn’t fit.


Stephani said...

Yep, that baby looks just like you I can see the resemblance, is that the one you are bringing home? The little one on the blue blanket, is he the "new" one you found?

Thanks for sharing. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey babe,
Karmela and I desided we wanted the little one above you and the baby. Karmela wants a little boy from africa and I want a little girl from China. So we will have to work on that.
love you,

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Katy, the photos are great, they really capture the spirit of the children, and the area, it is so greeeen. When you get a chance let me know what camera you have, I think it does a much better job than mine! Missing you, shelly