Friday, April 11, 2008

Guardian Angels

Prishilla, my first adopted baby, is very sick please pray. She has HIV and also tuberculosis. She is the first baby I held when I arrived day one at the babies home. I love to tease her and call her princess because once she is in my lap she hates to share me with the other children. She is extra skinny and can’t walk but she is so beautiful when she smiles as I sing “you are my sunshine” or “the itsy bitsy spider”. They switched her medication last week and her body is struggling to adjust. She has lost weight she didn’t have, throws up if we try and feed her, and today could barely lift her arms to be held. I laid and rocked her tiny body praying to God to give me her pain. It was like holding a space heater close to my chest as the heat radiated from her body. Guardian angels stand strong around my baby’s bed tonight please.

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