Sunday, February 17, 2008

Everyone is Bilingual

Everyone is bilingual.

Have you ever tried to listen to your head and your heart at the same time?

It’s like the international departure lounge, you know you are going somewhere but you can’t understand a thing.

You see, we can speak both languages, but not at the same time.

Sometimes you just gotta let go of one and get on the dang plane.

I’ve got a first class ticket to heartland, departing now, arriving forever.

Kat Rascoe.

Friday, February 15, 2008

My Students Waving to You

"Hallo! How are you?" screams 75 third graders. These are the little ones that seem to find my dancing so funny. As I was struggling to find my groove as a teacher, I decided we should start class with a song. Well, singing always gets me dancing and that is when the laughter began. Two seconds of dancing and belly-laughter began filling the school room. Guess my calling wasn't to be a dancer.
Made this poster with all the fabulous art supplies I received in my care packages!

Writing on the chalkboard is such a challenge. I walk away from class speckled with what looks like dandruff but I assure you is just chalk dust! On the left is the P3 classroom and on the right is the P4 classroom.

This is school assembly after lunch. The teacher in charge will stand and lecture them and then they all say a prayer together and head to class.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Everyone Loves Hippos

"Hip-Hip-Hippopotamus, Hip-Hip-Hooray, God loves all of us" - How can you not smile when you see a hippo? So they aren't the prettiest animals, but they are rolly polly with pink bellies. And so they can take quite a bite outta you, but they love to play peek-a-boo in the water.

We went exploring for animals this is what we found.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Spiritual food

Have you ever felt an overwhelming deep spiritual thirst? Felt a consuming hunger that no longer will be quieted with mere crumbs? Psalm 63, “my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

I just realized how unknowingly spiritually blessed I have been these past two years. I was surrounded by bible studies where midshipmen unashamedly worshipped together, a church that preached straight from God’s word, a chaplain & his wife who showed God’s love to me every day, friends & family who prayed with/for me.

Here, I sit in church feeling as if I am sitting in an empty tomb. The foreign words roll right over my head and bounce lethargically around the large bare structure. I mouth words to songs I don’t understand, glancing around at the few who have shown up. Most are singing passionately, some even dancing as they worship God. And I just look on with a twinge of envy as I butcher the few words I am able to produce. I bow my head to pray and constantly peek to see if the prayer is over because unless a clear amen is said, I would never know. I walk out the doors two or three hours later with a subdued spirit and an earnest longing.

Every day is like a new miracle as I am awed by God’s greatness. I ache to share everything that He is doing with those who will be as amazed as I am. I hunger to receive guidance and fellowship from those who live for God. I thirst to sing enthusiastically, albeit off key, about Jesus’ endless love.

I spoke with someone else serving over here and realized this is a struggle for most, to find spiritual nourishment when in foreign lands. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will be a constant companion to me in the upcoming days.