Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fair Fun

I am up in New York at my mom's house for one more week. I have been working for the past five weeks at the race track, saving all my pennies. This Sunday I leave for Union Mills, North Carolina. I will be living there through October 5th, taking cross cultural classes.

My mom and two little brothers took me to the county fair last night. It was so much fun to take a night to just go have fun. I hadn't been to a fair since I was eleven. And most importantly, my mom and I took on the task of tackling a gigantic elephant ear. Didn't even hesistate, we ate it all like champs! We visited the cows, rode all the rides, and played the games. Fabulous!

Fundraising has been going ok. I struggle with my pride. It is hard for me to ask my friends and family for help raising the money. But God has been providing for me. I ask for your prayers, that He would give me a humble heart and a grateful spirit.